Recently I spoke with my young niece Eve about all things yoga and I thought it'd be a lovely thing to share with you all. Eve has been our little helper in the business, from modelling in our photoshoots, helping design our hair accessories and even helping her mum pack orders during her school holidays. She may even be the owner of EREYM someday...we hope so anyway. Here is what we spoke about...
Eve, what is your favourite thing about yoga?
I love trying out new poses.

How does yoga make you feel?

What made you choose the Tranquility yoga mat design?
I chose it because of its gorgeous colours and it reminds me of the galaxy too.

Can you draw your favourite yoga pose for us?
Eve drew us her favourite and most challenging pose.

Anything else you'd like to tell us about your yoga practice?

Eve chose the Tranquility mat and has it rolled out every day. Her little brother Flynn would always want to copy Eve so we made sure he had his own too. Yoga is an excellent way to gently bring mindfulness into our little ones world and the more they see us practice, the more their interest in it grows.
Yoga for kid's includes some amazing benefits like: building confidence, strength, concentration, connection to body and mind, balance, flexibility and reduces anxiety. We know how good yoga makes us feel so it's no surprise the younger generation love to practice too.

And if you want to match your mini we have you covered with the adult size Tranquility and Whitsundays to choose from.